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In our hearts, minds, and through our actions we acknowledge the bond of sisterhood. Though we might not always agree, we value diversity of opinions and ideas and will always strive to treat others with kindness and respect.

We hold ourselves and each other accountable for our actions, words, and choices. Though we might not always succeed, we strive to live by the four pillars as an example for others to follow. Not only must we stand up for all sisters, we must continually encourage others to do the same.

Discrimination against women is real. It's woven so tightly into the fabric of the world that it's often overlooked, ignored, or brushed aside. It's a universal issue that spans race, culture, social status, and sexual orientation and binds us all together in sisterhood.

We value friendships like treasures because that's what they are, and all sisters are friends. We trade gossip for positive language, and we're loyal through thick and thin. We don't leave sisters in the cold, alone or stranded. We pick up the phone in good times and in the darkest hours of need.

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